About Us
simplify international exchanges concerning medical researches and to manage new researches.
Our History
The International Association of Orthopaedics Alumni of National Association (IAORANA-ORTHO) was founded in 2015 by Pr Philippe NEYRET.
The IAORANA-ORTHO Association, based in Switzerland, has been created especially to simplify international exchanges concerning medical researches and to manage new researches.
One of the most important goal of our association is to develop knowledge, know how and technics in the orthopaedic surgery field.
We offer you to join a group of people who share common interests, goals and life experiences to make a big difference in your day-to-day practice.
About Professor Neyret
During 20 years he chaired the department of Orthopedics department at the University hospital of Croix-rousse.
With his team, he wrote more than 500 articles (more than 200 on Pub-med) or book chapters, did more than 1100 presentations and presented 100 posters. He participated in more than 350 international and 150 national meetings. He participated in the Jury of 100 human medical thesis and 10 veterinary thesis. He had 110 residents and fellows and closed to 300 visitors.